A Great Spiritual Life
Throughout my daily interactions with people I encounter many struggling to find joy and in their lives. They are hurt from the loss of a loved one, pained from their own actions or suffering because others have placed them in emotional bondage. I have witnessed people receive healing from these ailments and then weeks, months or years later be right back to dealing with the same pain that God already healed. This happens because we have not established a Great Spiritual Life that we can place all our attention and focus on. The miracle or restoration is not the end of the journey, but the beginning to something greater with God. We receive the miracle and/or restoration by the blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross and His resurrection is the strength and power to confess what God has done and who he is in us.

In a compilation book of John G. Lake’s sermons and writings on healing he discloses three keys to a Great Spiritual Life. These actions are essential to eradicating the sin in our flesh that wants to keep us spiritually dead. It is important to remember these actions are not in any specific order and we are never done performing them, this is the way of life for me as a Christian going forward.
1. Feed on the Word
2. Public confession of our faith in Christ
3. Communion with Him
Feeding on the Word daily comes in many forms: daily devotionals, books with scripture references, reading the Bible directly. In the end the most important aspect is that we read the Holy Bible and that we believe the Holy Bible is the Word of God for us. Many people question the reliability of the Bible, but just as my words here on this blog are meant to be an inspiration from the Holy Spirit to live a great spiritual life the scriptures were written so that we may have a relationship with God and understand his ways, The Way. Do not only rely on another person’s interpretation or accounts for what we are reading, you must dig in for yourself and if you do not believe the Holy Bible is God’s words then the entire foundation of your faith in God is on shaky ground.

Public confession of our faith in Christ is easier today than ever before. Today we have Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. that allows us to constantly share our testimonies all over the world. We cannot be afraid to stand for truth, which is found in the Holy Bible and expressed through confessing who Jesus Christ is. Many Christians have attempted to blur the lines of living in the world today by ignoring simple Biblical principles as being non-progressive. But progress is demonstrated through the transformation that takes place with the renewal of the mind that should occur daily according to the letter from Paul to the Romans. (Romans 12:2)
Finally, communion with God. For skeptics and people who are not baptized with the fire of the Holy Spirit this is difficult to comprehend because they will attempt to label you as being “crazy” or needing to be institutionalized. Worship, prayer, speaking in tongues, and fasting often are all part of communion with God. When we worship, we should lift our hands and be vulnerable with God. Prayer is speaking directly to Him and should be fervent. Jesus told us to be specific when we pray and lay hands on the sick or lifting our brothers and sisters in Christ. (1 Corinthians 9)
Healing requires the soul, mind, and body to all be in alignment with the will of Jesus Christ. When the miracle or the restoration occurs, we must celebrate that for all eternity to maintain a healthy spiritual life.