Put on Holy Spirit Glasses
Wow! The instant that the Holy Spirit reveals itself to us, we become a brand-new creation in Jesus Christ! Every day, we should experience a thrilling renewal of our minds, hearts, and souls. This incredible journey of sanctification should be a daily meditation on God's word and growth, eagerly exploring what more is in this renewed life. Through this amazing process, we connect deeply with God, build unshakeable faith, ignite a fiery passion for others, and cultivate a heart full of gratitude, no matter what life throws our way!
Our Bible tells us "Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." - 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 NIV
The question is whether we are navigating life by assessing our situations with the perspective of the Holy Spirit or through our human perspective. Before our "new creation" experience, our minds and hearts formed patterns and standards based on previous experiences. However, the Holy Spirit is boundless and doesn't depend on past experiences to shape the outcome. It is our responsibility to read the Bible and learn to interpret it with our spiritual vision to live more abundantly. I present these four interpretations to begin the year 2025 on the right path.
1. We should be satisfied living paycheck to paycheck if it stems from maximizing our tithing and giving. Otherwise, we should question ourselves, "Am I an investor or a consumer?" An investor plants seeds in anointing and people, while a consumer wastes all they possess.
2. As servants of the Lord, we should seek His guidance and act only when He instructs us to do so, rather than making impulsive or hasty decisions and then attempting to justify our actions afterward.
3. We recognize that God changes all circumstances for our good when we are called according to His purpose. Hence, in times of trial, we should pray and seek blessings and favor, as they will eventually manifest; it is not about success or failure, but about our obedience to God as we go through the trial.
4. It's important to have a clear understanding of what we request from God. When we say, "Lord, grant me patience!" or "God, give me the strength not to harm this person!" we must remember that, as Christians, the Holy Spirit resides within us. Thus, patience and self-control are qualities we should exhibit each day.